Demonstration by Nicky Thomson Demonstration by Nicky Thomson on 18 July 2015 Nicky Thomson Nicky starts by spraying her canvas with water and dropping in blue High Flow acrylics by Golden. She drops in more colours allowing them to run and spread to create a background. When the background is dry Nicky explains the next step to create her Sunflowers Nicky draws her Sunflower onto of the background She then uses a thick mix of acrylic paint and applies this with a palette knife to her drawing. The Sunflower head is completed. Nicky then continues with the leaves and stalk still using a palette knife. Some detail is added to the Sunflower. The completed Sunflower painting. Some of Nicky’s completed works in Acrylics Some of Nicky’s completed works in Acrylics Some of Nicky’s completed works in Acrylics Some of Nicky’s completed works in Acrylics