Demonstration by Cheryl Curnick on 20 September 2014
One of Cheryl’s completed works
One of Cheryl’s completed works
One of Cheryl’s students work
One of Cheryl’s students work
One of Cheryl’s students work
Hand coloured tissue paper which is later used for collaging
Hand coloured tissue paper which is later used for collaging
Hand coloured tissue paper which is later used for collaging
Cheryl starts off by giving her board a coat of gesso
A border is then painted in
Cheryl demonstrates how certain aspects are collaged into the painting.
Cheryl went on to demonstrate another piece which she had started earlier. More collage elements are added.
Tissue paper is collaged to the painting to create interest and texture
The image is built up over many layers
Close up detail
Some elements are both stencilled and collage in. The painting is developed over many more layers.
Cheryl demonstrating how she hand colours tissue paper.
Gold and black are added and are allowed to run into each other on the wet paper.
Cheryl at the end of the demo.