Demonstration by Cathy Verheul
Cathy Verheul
The 7 Elements of Art
The Principles of Art
What makes a good painting? It must be UNFORGETTABLE.
The Content of a Painting
Cathy’s palette
Planning and mapping out the portrait
Cathy explaining the use of shapes in a portrait
The blocking in of the portrait begins
The background is painted in using neutral colours
More blocking in on the face is done
Once the blocking is complete, Cathy uses a soft brush to blend and soften the areas together.
Cathy with her demo painting
The demo piece with the completed painting
Cathy with her completed demo painting
The completed demo painting.
One of Cathy’s completed portraits. This portrait was the winner for Rotary Arts Festival sponsored by Sanlam.
One of Cathy’s completed portraits
One of Cathy’s completed portraits
One of Cathy’s completed portraits
One of Cathy’s completed portraits
One of Cathy’s completed portraits