20 July 2024 – Mary Pappas

Mary Pappas painted a person in semi abstract with palette knife oils – 20 July 2024

Mary’s favourite pastime and subject has always been art. In 1991 she decided to take it more seriously. She attended advanced painting classes for four years, developing and learning different styles and techniques from leading professional art teachers and another three years for abstract studies, learning to think and express these thoughts and ideas in an abstract way.

Mary Papas says; “When painting, I always have a concept in mind taken from the world around me or from the very deep-set traditions of my Greek culture and history, past and present. Also living in four different countries of diverse religions and cultures, through my growing-up years, has prepared me to express my thoughts and experiences in my paintings. My preferred method of painting is with a palette knife. I like the clarity of the undiluted buttery texture of the paint and the sharp contrast of the different hues. I sculpture my shapes on two dimensional surfaces. I enjoy a variety of painting styles. I need to feel what I paint.”

Mary has exhibited in Europe and many people commented on the different styles of the paintings on show. She loves to create colourful works to restore her soul and calm her spirit.

Mary has 2 new series of paintings. Her abstract series in which she expresses good feelings, harmonious, calm colours that connect with the viewer creating good vibes and interesting concepts in the works and her anonymous faces series of people which are painted in a very contemporary style in colours. These faces that are totally unrealistic and bold, usually of people she has met in passing, in restaurants, shops or other gatherings.  People she doesn’t know at all, but as an artist liked their bold and expressive characteristics which made a lasting impression on her and evokes that memory when she starts painting.