Demonostration by Richard Rennie on 16 November 2013
Richard Rennie
Richard wets the sky area with clean water
Watercolour paint is applied to the wet area to form clouds
The sky darkened and completed
Richard adds in a horizon
The foreground is painted in
Trees are added and more detail is included
Progress of the 1st painting.
More dark areas are added and the foreground is complete
Close up of the landscape
The final painting.
In the 2nd painting Richards approach is more ‘modern’
The completed sky in the 2nd painting
Richard paints in the horizon and sketches in an outline in paint
He then begins working on the foreground
Warmer colours are applied
The painting is built up and darker colours are added
The progression of the 2nd painting
Richards watercolour mixing palette
The river is painted in and more detail added
The final ‘modern’ landscape