Demonstration by Danie Strydom on 17 August 2013
Danie Strydom
Danie explains various ways of creating texture on canvas
Danie applies texture to the canvas using plaster of paris and wood glue
Danie puts in a few marks to indicate the placement of the face
Danie starts creating the background by applying acrylic paint with a sponge roller.
More paint is added to build up the background
The completed background
A basic portrait sketch is drawn in with Charcoal and sprayed with fixative
The darker colours are added to the face first.
Danie adds more colour, dimension and detail to the portrait
More colour is added.
Detail of the eyes and glasses.
The completed portrait.
One of Danie’s completed paintings.
One of Danie’s completed paintings.
One of Danie’s completed paintings.
One of Danie’s completed paintings.